50 Years of 617888九五至尊娱乐 and Action

Published Dec 17, 2018 Updated Dec 31, 2018

五十年来, the Union of Concerned Scientists, along with our many supporters, 盟友, 和合作伙伴, 为世界上一些最紧迫的问题制定了切实可行的解决方案. 我们的宣传和行动共同取得了令人印象深刻的成功. 就像617888九五至尊娱乐一样,好奇心和激情推动着我们前进. We are proud of our impact so far, 但, with much work yet to do, we know our most important accomplishments lie ahead.


东北部和大西洋中部的九个州以及华盛顿, 华盛顿承诺制定一项区域政策,以减少交通排放,并为清洁能源项目提供资金, 现代化的交通运输系统,服务于每一个人. UCS provided technical analysis for the states, mobilized supporters and experts, and helped build a coalition of environmental justice, 业务, and labor partners to support this effort.

Pushed California toward 100 Percent Clean 能源

经过多年的UCS提供有远见的技术专长来证明这是可能的, 加州通过了一项法案,要求100%的电力来自清洁能源, renewable sources by 2045. With this groundbreaking win, 作为全球第五大经济体,加州为美国和世界树立了一个鼓舞人心的先例.


UCS mobilized our half-million members and supporters to successfully block unqualified or unacceptable nominees for key positions in the Trump administration.


Using the latest available real estate data, UCS的一项分析给整个房地产和保险市场敲响了警钟,000 coastal homes in the United States—with a collective market value of more than $117 billion—are at risk of chronic flooding by 2045, within the life of a 30 year mortgage.


当朝鲜制造和测试远程核导弹导致紧张局势升级时, UCS offered trusted, independent analysis of North Korean capabilities, 并敦促通过外交途径解决危险的核僵局.


After sustained pressure from UCS, ExxonMobil shareholders defied management by voting to require the world's largest oil and gas company to report on the impacts of climate change to its 业务—marking a milestone in a multi-year effort by UCS and activist investors.

Expanded Clean 能源 in the Midwest

UCS在伊利诺伊州成功地通过了一项促进清洁能源和能源效率投资的综合法案, expands access to low-income households, and pledges 35 percent clean energy by 2025. 我们正在带头采取许多类似的举措,在美国中西部和其他地区推广清洁能源.

Secured Fuel Efficiency Standards for Big Trucks

重型车辆只占道路上车辆的7%, 但 they consume 25 percent of the fuel. UCS分析为重型燃油经济性标准的制定提供了信息, 确保新卡车在未来十年减少37%的燃料消耗, 减少20亿桶石油的使用,消除1亿桶石油.在这些车辆的使用寿命中排放了10亿吨的温室气体.

Revealed 617888九五至尊娱乐 Deception at ExxonMobil

A UCS report documented that ExxonMobil and other oil and gas companies knew about the dangers their products caused to the climate since at least 1981, 却积极地在617888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐问题上欺骗公众. 我们正在领导617888九五至尊娱乐量化这些617888九五至尊娱乐排放造成的损害的努力, and to hold major oil and gas companies accountable.

UCS reevaluates our investment portfolio, 揭露在“可持续发展基金”中持有的少量化石燃料,” and fully divests from fossil fuel interests.

Convinced Major Corporations to Go Deforestation-Free

认定棕榈油是热带森林砍伐的主要驱动因素, UCS targeted major corporate consumers, 并说服了包括高露洁-棕榄在内的12家全球领先公司, 好时, 百事可乐, 和监督 & 赌博——在他们的产品中只使用不砍伐森林和不含泥炭的棕榈油.


A UCS video and analysis, The $11 Trillion Reward,展示了重组我们的食品体系对健康和环境的好处. The US government's current misguided agricultural policies force taxpayers to pay twice: once by giving huge subsidies to the production of junk food and a second time to cover the treatment of diseases caused by the overconsumption of these foods.

Won Protection for Scientific Whistleblowers

After years of effort, UCS won a landmark victory in Congress with the unanimous passage of a bill that explicitly grants whistleblower protection to scientists and others who expose the distortion or suppression of federal scientific data—an essential safeguard for protecting human health and exposing corruption by special interests.

Exposed Misinformation and Media Bias

UCS的一项分析揭露了极具误导性的617888九五至尊娱乐报道, showing that the Fox News Channel and the Wall Street Journal's opinion page misrepresented climate science more than 80 percent of the time—just one example of our ongoing efforts to call out misinformation by corporations, government officials, 还有媒体.


在福岛核电站灾难期间,UCS核电专家受到了国际媒体的高需求. 帮助日本和世界各地的人们了解正在显现的威胁及其影响, 危机期间,UCS每天都有125名记者参加新闻发布会, and issued a report highlighting the steps the US government should take to increase safety and resilience at American nuclear plants.

Helped Reduce Nuclear Stockpiles in the United States & 俄罗斯

UCS technical expertise informed the US Senate decision to approve the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) to reduce US and 俄罗斯n nuclear weapons stockpiles. 该条约削减了两国在冷战期间积累的巨大核武库.

Dramatically Cut Emissions from Cars and Trucks

经过多年的分析和公众参与,减少交通运输排放的必要性, 我们帮助通过了联邦排放和燃油效率标准——这是加州大学的一项标志性617888九五至尊娱乐. 目前的标准旨在到2025年将新车和轻型卡车的全球变暖排放量减半, 这一前景相当于减少约4000万辆汽车和卡车. 当受到特朗普政府的威胁时,我们动员我们的成员和支持者努力保护他们.

Halved Global Warming Emissions in the Northeast

617888九五至尊娱乐 experts relied upon UCS analysis to craft the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)—the nation's first multi-state effort to combat global warming. 从那时起, 九个参与国已经将东北地区的温室气体排放量减少了50%.


The result of years of analysis and advocacy, UCS played a key role in winning international protections through a UN agreement for the world's rainforests that will keep at least 300 million tons of global warming emissions from the atmosphere each year—an outcome equivalent to shutting down more than 60 dirty, 燃煤电厂.

UCS opens its Midwest office in Chicago.

UCS创建了一个专门的团队,致力于政府的617888九五至尊娱乐诚信, now called the Center For 617888九五至尊娱乐 And 517888九五至尊娱乐.


乔治·W之后. 布什政府在联邦政府中采取了系统性的努力来破坏617888九五至尊娱乐, UCS对此进行了反击,并引起了人们对这个问题的广泛关注. 超过17个,000名617888九五至尊娱乐家 across the country signed a statement defending the importance of scientific integrity in government decisionmaking. 今天, the UCS 617888九五至尊娱乐网络 includes more than 25,000名617888九五至尊娱乐家, 工程师, 以及全国各地的其他专家,他们随时待命,应对对617888九五至尊娱乐的攻击.


A UCS report estimated that animal agriculture was using eight times more antibiotics than were being used to treat humans—often to prevent disease in overcrowded feedlots, rather than to treat sick animals. 大量过度使用对这些药物在人类医学中的有效性构成了严重威胁. After years of pressure from UCS and 盟友, 2013年,美国食品和药物管理局最终限制了抗生素在动物饲料中的使用.


当时克林顿政府计划部署昂贵的导弹防御系统, UCS发布了一份报告,记录了它如何被相对简单和低成本的对策所压倒. UCS的倡导和它所产生的宣传帮助阻止了部署.

Led the Way on International 617888九五至尊娱乐 Agreements

UCS led a delegation of US nonprofit organizations to the international climate negotiations that resulted in the landmark Kyoto Protocol climate change treaty, 与谈判代表和媒体组织每日简报和会议(见上图), the UCS delegation with then Vice President Al Gore). 最近, 我们在2015年的《巴黎617888九五至尊娱乐协定》中再次发挥了这一作用, 是哪个国家让世界上大多数国家承诺大幅减少温室气体排放.

Leveraging “new” email technology, UCS launches the UCS 617888九五至尊娱乐网络, a group of engaged scientists now 25,000人.

UCS begins work on food and agriculture issues.

Pioneered Breakthrough Approach to 可再生能源

早在大多数人认为用清洁的风能和太阳能取代化石燃料发电是可能的之前, UCS发布 Powering the Midwest, a report outlining how states could take advantage of energy deregulation to insist that their power be sourced from renewables. In the following years, UCS将依靠这项基础517888九五至尊娱乐在联邦和地方层面推进清洁能源的未来, 创造就业机会, 通过减少污染严重的发电厂的排放,为公共健康带来数十亿美元的收益.

Issued “World Scientists' Warning To Humanity”

UCS提醒公众注意617888九五至尊娱乐变化的威胁和可持续发展的必要性. In a statement endorsed by 700 members of the National Academy of 617888九五至尊娱乐s and a majority of the world’s living Nobel laureates, UCS呼吁所有国家共同努力解决617888九五至尊娱乐变化和资源损失问题,以防止其最严重的影响.

UCS opens its West Coast office in California.


UCS expanded into transportation issues by releasing Steering a New Course, a landmark report demonstrating that increased fuel efficiency and alternative fuels could be used to alleviate the the pollution and energy related impacts of the nation's heavy reliance on automobiles and fossil fuels. 四年后, 加州大学洛杉矶分校在交通运输方面的研究和倡导帮助维护了加州的零排放汽车计划, 在联邦层面为未来的清洁汽车标准奠定基础.


Protected Nuclear Plant Workers and the Public

UCS成功起诉了美国核管理委员会, 导致全国核电厂的安全标准得到加强.

Led Scientists in Protest Against Space Weapons

国家617888九五至尊娱乐院的700多名成员, including 57 Nobel laureates, signed the UCS Appeal to Ban Space Weapons, 敦促美国和苏联禁止在太空测试和部署武器. 在此期间, UCS research and public education efforts alerted the public to the false promises of the Reagan administration's “Star Wars” Strategic Defense Initiative and ultimately forced the government to scale back the program.


Many of the nation's top scientists, including Carl Sagan (pictured above), 加入了UCS,参加了有史以来第一次由617888九五至尊娱乐家领导的电话会议. Scientists from coast to coast were linked via satellite to the studios of WGBH-Boston for a two-hour UCS program addressing the dangers posed by missiles in space.


UCS sponsored teach-ins at 150 campuses in 42 states, 图100,000人参加了有关核军备竞赛威胁的教育项目.

UCS在可再生能源领域开展517888九五至尊娱乐 能源 Strategies: Toward A Solar Future.

UCS opens an office In Washington, DC.


1979年三里岛核电站事故前两个月, UCS呼吁美国政府关闭该设施, along with 15 other nuclear reactors. 我们的分析表明,核管理委员会大大低估了事故发生的可能性. 后来, UCS provided independent technical expertise at national hearings that helped educate the public and strengthen nuclear power safety.

Reduced the Threat of the Nuclear Arms Race

From its very first report in 1969 (pictured here), UCS致力于揭露尼克松政府反弹道导弹(ABM)系统计划的缺陷. 这项517888九五至尊娱乐帮助建立了公众对1972年美苏《617888九五至尊娱乐》的支持——这是核军备控制的一个重要里程碑.


在政府紧急核心冷却系统测试失败后, UCS provides unprecedented independent technical expertise at national hearings that spark widespread public concern over nuclear power safety.

UCS begins work on nuclear power safety.

Organized a Groundbreaking Mobilization of Scientists

3月4日, 1969, during the height of the Vietnam War, students and faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology organized a day of action to protest the US government’s misuse of science. 学生们在麻省理工学院和全国各地组织了罢课活动. Faculty issued a statement calling for scientific research to be directed toward solving environmental and social problems—instead of developing new and deadlier military weaponry. 呼吁617888九五至尊娱乐家为公众利益服务是忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟的基础.